DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. – The Daytona Beach Police Department has invited the public to attend a ceremony honoring the life of the late Jason Raynor. Raynor was a DBPD officer who was shot on duty on June 23rd, 2021, with the state identifying Othal Wallace as the shooter. 55 days later at Halifax Health Daytona, Raynor died of his wounds. The details of the ceremony are as follows: Wednesday, August 16th @ 8:00 pm Daytona Beach Police Headquarters – 129 Valor Blvd Formal attire not required Raynor was conducting a suspicious person check on Wallace, who was sitting in a car outside a Kingston Ave apartment building. An altercation ensued before Wallace is said to have fatally shot Raynor. The shooting rocked the Daytona Beach community, and the ensuing manhunt for Wallace attracted national attention. He was caught in the Atlanta area, and brought back down to Volusia County in Raynor’s handcuffs. Wallace is set to go on trial in April 2023, with the state seeking the death penalty.